Main Kotor?????
amboi xsabar2 ko afzan nk aku join main kotor2 nie...aku dak baik tau...hahahahhaaa...ok2...layannn........cop2,de citer HOT...Usein nk kawen dh bln mac nie...aku dok cium kad kawen wangi dia nie...=)

Rules: It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag 10 people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

Have fun!

1. What is your name? Norhazilah
2. A four letter word: Nice
3. A boy's name: Naim
4. A girl's name: Nadya
5. An occupation: Nurse (bkn tanya job aku kn,kn...hehehehee)
6. A color: huhuuuhuuu.....tiada aku tau...
7. Something you wear: Necklace
8. A food: Nasi..........(byk lak kena senarai nt..hahahahaa)
9. Something found in the bathroom: Natural soap
10. A place: New York
11. A reason for being late: Narcolepsy (heheheheee...rujuk medical dictionary ye)
12. Something you shout: Nana,nana!...(ntah pe2 je...)
13. A movie title: Nangnak..(seram2...)
14. Something you drink: Nescafe........(ummm.....harum..)
15. A musical group: Nidji
16. A street name: Nilai road (hahahhaaaaa,tibai)
17.. A type of car: Nissan
18. A song title: No one needs to know (Shania Twain...)
19. A verb: Nudging

adeh,aku siap google tue jawab tag nie...hampeh toi....patotla,main kotor tajuk dia.hehehehehee..

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